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The Ultimate Guide to Meal Planning

Take control of your meal planning with this comprehensive guide. Learn how to leverage digital tools and printable resources for a stress-free meal planning experience.

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This has been revised from its original posting (11/5/2015)

I’ve Gone Digital with my Meal Planning!


So I’ve been using my meal planner printable for 6 years now, but something some people don’t know, I was also sharing the menu with my family on Google Calendar as well (with 2 teenagers in the house that are always busy, it’s a must for them to be able to have easy access to what is for dinner).

Last week, it was voted on, and decided that we are going fully digital with our meal planning. I plan all meals using google calendar (I created a calendar called “Meals”, shared that calendar with the family, then create events titled things like “Dinner: Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese”). Then I make my grocery list using this grocery list app called Out of Milk. I’ve actually been using Out of Milk for a while now. About 4 years I actually stopped printing the grocery list part and started using this app instead. I can share my lists with my husband and older kids, then can add to the list, and I can still keep track of what I would be spending (on both the app and website version, you can enter regular prices, if an item’s on sale and how much, and it shows you a running total at the bottom). The best part about this app, it’s completely free!

Apps I use

Click this image of Google Play to get the Out of milk App
This image is owned by Google Play
Out of Milk Apple App Image - Click to download app directly from the App Store

The link to the App Store Version is an affiliate for Apple services, you are not charged anything for clicking or downloading. The app is still free.

Rather Have a Meal Planner Printable?

No, worries! Below is the original post that also includes the Free Printables for you to get started!

Original Post


Today I thought I would share free printable grocery lists with a menu planner. A few years ago, I did a quick how-to on saving money by just simply creating a menu and doing all your grocery shopping based on that menu. It wasn’t riveting, but it was basically a starting point for those who might feel a little lost on where to start. I created and have used both.

Planning Made Easy….

These are weekly planners, but because sometimes I need to plan a couple of weeks’ worth ahead of time, I print about 10-20 at a time. It’s especially helpful to have those extras if I need to plan for a party or holiday coming up a couple of weeks in advance. BONUS, the updated one actually has a date section for the menu. 🙂

Having the menu on the list makes shopping a little easier as well. I can look at it and see if I maybe missed something when I’m at the store, or more often than not, I realize I don’t need an item. Even with the new version, which is 2 pages, I actually print it 2-sided so I always have both.

image of the grocery list with a calculator and magazine.

Originally, I only planned for dinner so I didn’t need a lot of space for the menu…

Since then, I have found that planning for all three meals, if possible, and making the kids get involved with lunch plans really helps. Lunch especially because I was getting a lot of “I don’t know what to do for lunch today Mom” or “There’s nothing to eat” (as they stare at a full pantry of food). And I don’t know about you but am NOT one of those Pinterest moms when it comes to lunch. My kids will never find butterfly bags with grapes and carrots or star-cut sandwiches. But I will also NEVER buy a pre-made lunch either. Planning for lunch helps you to have those options they want and saves them from eating junk – for the most part. Let’s be real, kids are still kids.

Hopefully, this will help you get a little more organized as well as help you save some money. But remember… STICK TO THE LIST (for the most part). Something on sale that is not on your list (and you don’t regularly buy) is not saving you money, because buying it to buy the “deal”. If you’re buying something you didn’t need, but obviously use all the time, like toilet paper. It makes sense to buy it. Basically… use common sense. 😉

Follow these basic guidelines and print your own copies of the menu/grocery list, and you will be on your way to seeing waste go away.

Don’t forget to download the Ibotta. It’s a great app with cash back for so many things you buy every day!

Here are the Freebies

I’ve updated this post so many times since the original back in 2018. My first two were really geared towards me and what I needed to have. But everyone I shared them with loved them!

Even though I have gone digital in my grocery shopping, I know so many still prefer that paper copy. So, I thought it would be a good time to upgrade the list itself and give you all some new and improved lists. I made 3 new versions and you can now download all three.

Free Menu Planners with Grocery Shopping List Image

Tag me on Instagram or Facebook, @jenngiamsmith #JennGiamSmith!

Ready to use your Menu?

Need some recipe inspo to get started? Check out these recipe lists for great meals you can make any time (not just for brunch, parties, or Father’s Day).

Looking for other ideas/inspiration for improvement? Check out Must-Know Tips for Baking with Kids or Simple Kitchen Update.

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